What is MAGIS?
MAGIS is a Latin term used frequently by St. Ignatius of Loyola, founder of the Jesuits. It means ‘more’, ‘most’, ‘greatest’, ‘best’… It means to live fully, deeply, to serve selflessly, to give and not to count the cost.
A person who lives ‘magis’ desires to deepen their experience of God. They seek the greater good, the greater love.
So, what is a MAGIS event?
MAG+S is an experience of reflective social action for young adults between the ages of 18-35, rooted in Ignatian spirituality.
Our Approach
Our Story
Who is organising this event?
The MAGIS events in the UK are organised by the Ignatian Family, which gathers Catholic lay people and religious inspired by Ignatian Spirituality.
Jesuits in Britain (Society of Jesus)
A religious order of men in the Catholic Church, founded in 1540, were soon taking the Gospel to every corner of the globe. Pioneers of Catholic renewal in the Counter-Reformation, Jesuits were creative in establishing new ways of evangelising, especially in their educational activities.
Faithful Companions of Jesus
An International Congregation of Catholic Sisters wishing to follow Jesus even to the cross and beyond … Since He is the way that leads to Life
CLC Christian Life Communities
Christian Life Community (CLC) is for people who want to understand more deeply how God is at work in their everyday lives.
Ignatian Family
Several other religious orders and congregations which are inspired by the spirituality, of way of praying of St Ignatius of Loyola make up the ‘Ignatian Family’.
Congregation of Jesus
A congregation of women religious sisters founded by an Englishwoman, Mary Ward, in the early 17th century, so that women could “do much” in the service of God.
Handmaids of the Sacred Heart of Jesus
A family of Catholic religious sisters whose mission is mostly centred on education in the service of the gospel in schools, parishes, university residences, spirituality centres and areas where there is deprivation.
Next Steps...
To find out more about these communities, click on their logos or names to open their websites. Each works in Britain as well as many other countries.